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It has a pontoon boats and accessories online shop.
William Kavanagh Fly Fish Ireland
Region / State:MunsterProvince:KerryLocation:Cork; Kerry
Website: 1:353 (0)87 6497442
Telephone 2:353 (0)85 7794377
Address:Cork Harbour, Co. Cork
Owner:William Kavanagh/ Mark Houhlihan
Contact:William Kavanagh/ Mark Houhlihan
Last update:2017-12-01 19:14:40
At Fly Fish Ireland we offer a complete and comprehensive guided fly fishing experience where all levels and capabilities are created for. Whether you are an experienced competent caster or a beginner we can provide a tailor made package just for you. We can arrange fly fishing and fly casting tutorials with our instructors who specialise in every aspect of fly fishing in Ireland.
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