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Region / State:ConnachtProvince:SligoLocation:Aylesbury Park; Strandhill Road
Website: 2:353 (0)86 8556125
Address:13 Whitestrand, Aylesbury Park, Strandhill Road, Co. Sligo.
Owner:Geoffray Begard
Contact:Geoffray Begard
Last update:2012-11-20 12:02:23
From aquaculture training, I am specialized in stays of fishing in Ireland after fishing guide training to the National House of Ornans. After 5 years of fishing and water, I propose this site, these benefits, this flexibility to promote my business with a more professional transparency possible. Of course, a stay of fishing success is related to the results but this success also passes through the sharing of a passion, life experiences, a respective pleasure that is trying to convey with ease. I am driven to work occasionally with French fishing guides who know the sectors as well as me. As in other organizations in Ireland, "No.-KILL" is a value that you will be requested to maintain this herd, this potential. Every technique has its peculiarities, its attractions and in no time we differentiate fly fishing or to the toc, fishing for the decoy or bait as long as respect for the fish is present in the minds of all.
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