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Region / State:ConnachtProvince:MayoLocation:Foxford
Website: 1:353 (0)94 9256874
Telephone 2:353 (0)86 0536833
Address:Leckee, Castlebar Road, Foxford, Co. Mayo.
Owner:Robert Gillespie
Contact:Robert Gillespie
Last update:2012-11-20 12:02:23
GAIA APGAI (Salmon, Trout and Sea Trout) FFF (Master and THCI) REFFIS (Registered Instructor, School and Guide) Robert has an acknowledged wealth of information on salmon flies. He recently wrote a book on salmon and steelhead flies of the world. Local Waters include the Moy and its many tributaries. The Moy is without doubt Ireland's most productive salmon river. Fly-tying, fly casting and guiding servicies provided.
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