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Region / State:ConnachtProvince:MayoLocation:Foxford
Website: 1:353 (0)94 9257777
Telephone 2:353 (0)87 2501858
Address:Pontoon road, Foxford, Co. Mayo
Owner:Harry Feeney
Contact:Harry Feeney
Fax:(0)94 9257965
Last update:2012-11-20 12:02:23
The famous River Moy, Lough Conn, Cullin, Killala Bay, Lough Mask, Deel River, Owenmore River, the list is endless. Fishing for Atlantic Salmon, Seatrout, Brown Trout, Pike, Perch, Cod, Mackerel. We have everything the discerning fisherman could want; our own boats, equipment, rods & reels, life jackets, professional fishing guides.
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