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otra captura mas  la 7, sent by: miguel angel (Not registered)

otra captura mas la 7

Title: otra captura mas la 7
Description: una bonita carpa como las ultimas 6
Sent by: miguel angel (Not registered) on 2014-05-14 11:35:48

una buena carpa  , sent by: miguel angel (Not registered)

una buena carpa

Title: una buena carpa
Description: a qui os dejo una buena captura chicos
Sent by: miguel angel (Not registered) on 2014-05-12 12:30:54
Place: Oria
Province: Guipuscoa
Region / State: Basque Country
Country: Spain

pescata, sent by: Ernesto (Not registered)


Title: pescata
Sent by: Ernesto (Not registered) on 2014-05-09 19:36:14

Trucha del Ebro, sent by: Burgales de Madrid (Not registered)

Trucha del Ebro

Title: Trucha del Ebro
Sent by: Burgales de Madrid (Not registered) on 2014-05-08 18:48:39
Place: Coto Pesquera de Ebro
Province: Burgos
Region / State: Castile and León
Country: Spain

Ultimas truchas de la temporada, sent by: Johansen

Ultimas truchas de la temporada

Title: Ultimas truchas de la temporada
Description: Rio Limay
Sent by: Johansen on 2014-05-07 12:50:50
Place: Bariloche Outfitters
Province: Río Negro
Region / State: Río Negro
Country: Argentina

Ultimas truchas de la temporada 2013/14, sent by: Johansen

Ultimas truchas de la temporada 2013/14

Title: Ultimas truchas de la temporada 2013/14
Description: Rio Limay
Sent by: Johansen on 2014-05-07 12:52:52
Place: Bariloche Outfitters
Province: Río Negro
Region / State: Río Negro
Country: Argentina

Arco iris, sent by: Johansen

Arco iris

Title: Arco iris
Description: Rio Limay
Sent by: Johansen on 2014-05-07 12:54:36
Place: Bariloche Outfitters
Province: Río Negro
Region / State: Río Negro
Country: Argentina

el veri pesca  , sent by: Eneko (Not registered)

el veri pesca

Title: el veri pesca
Description: Aritz y su aita Iñigo/Eneko
Sent by: Eneko (Not registered) on 2014-05-07 21:09:20

el veril pesca  , sent by: Eneko (Not registered)

el veril pesca

Title: el veril pesca
Description: Aritz y Eneko
Sent by: Eneko (Not registered) on 2014-05-07 21:12:08

Rios y Regatas de Guipuzcoa, sent by: Aritz (Not registered)

Rios y Regatas de Guipuzcoa

Title: Rios y Regatas de Guipuzcoa
Description: Asi acabo la jornada de pesca Aritz, vaciando el agua de las botas...
Sent by: Aritz (Not registered) on 2014-05-02 20:58:39

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